Friday, September 28, 2012

Some Before & After Pics

I find the last two pictures hideous and embarrassing and that's me talking good about them but hey, they are what they are.

Picture 1 - My eyesore is covered probably 99% of the time. The only exception is changing clothes or showering.  Even though in this picture you'd never really know it's there.
2 Days - Pre-Op

Picture 2 - It.  aka the Eyesore.  aka the Kanga Pouch. aka the Gut.
2 Days - Pre-Op

Picture 3 - Side view of the Kanga Pouch, the excess skin is blatantly obvious. I've purposely placed the shorts under the skin so there's no mistake in how the excess skin hangs.

A couple of after pics below. 
Post Op - Swimsuit Bottom - AM before swelling

Day 29 - Post Op - Swell Hell

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!