Friday, September 7, 2012

TT - Day 8 - Post Op - Stitches/Drainage Tube Are Gone

 The following pictures are a couple days after my initial follow-up appointment. My stitches have been removed from the incision site and navel as well as the drainage tube. You can see in the first photo the incision is from hip to hip.  One of my daughter's said it looked like I had been cut in half.  I have to say sometimes it felt like it too.  

There is scabbing along the incision line.  There is also some pooling of blood which you can see in the areas that are vertical connected to the incision near the center of my abdomen.  You can also see very minimal bruising in that same area.

The second picture below is a side view where you can see the incision as it wraps around to my hip.  It does this on both sides.  The band-aid is over the area where the drainage tube was removed. 

I've seen in doing research for the procedure that some patients actually have two drainage tubes that are inserted into the pubic area maybe an inch or so below the incision area.  I am pleased that I only had one drainage tube and also pleased with the location of where the tube was placed.

 The picture below was taken yesterday and shows how flat my stomach looks even with clothes on.  Yes!  I had on a wife beater and my binder under the dress plus those sexy T.E.D. hose too.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!