Thursday, September 13, 2012

TT - Day 14 - Post Op - First Day Back in the Office

Funny Workplace Ecard: The next best thing to quitting my job is fantasizing about quitting my job.

I returned to work today.  Walking (still hunched over like a granny) from the car to the building through the lobby to the elevator down the hall to the office was more than I anticipated.  By the time I had made it to my desk I was shaky.  Carrying my purse, lunch and computer bag was probably pushing it a bit too.  A few of my co-workers knew I was having an elective surgery but not knowing what procedure exactly dashed around their cubes to get a look-see, eyeing me up and down, lol. 

It was a very long day and after about 4 or 5 hours into the day, I was thinking to myself “ I should go home, I REALLY should go home”.  But then I’d think, "I’ll just try and stay a little bit longer".  I almost made it the entire day back but about 30 minutes before time to go home, I went and informed my manager (I use that word loosely) that I was going home.  I was very uncomfortable and sitting flexed for so many hours had my abdominal area feeling extremely tight.  I was looking somewhat pale and shaky which she could see for herself and home I went.

I’m thinking I probably should have taken 3 weeks off following surgery instead of two but oh well, it is what it is.  I’m slowly regaining energy each day but still tire easily.  It’ll be a slow process but I’m headed in the right direction.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!