Three weeks since surgery. Yay!
On the way into work this morning I had the pleasure of being bumped by another car while waiting for a red light to turn green. Yikes!
I don’t know if the guy was on his phone, just not paying attention or what. It wasn’t enough impact to do any damage to either cars but when his car made contact with my car my initial reaction was to tighten my entire body which I felt most of all in my abdominal area. It being most sensitive due to the recent surgery. I slowly got out of my car, walked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame to the rear of the vehicle. He gets out repeatedly apologizing as he goes on to say “It was a love tap, no damage done”. At this point, because of how I’m feeling physically I couldn’t give two shits about either car. I’m more worried about the pain I’m in and immediately concerned that no damage has occurred to the internal repair.
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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!