Monday, September 17, 2012

TT - Day 18 - Post Op - Second Follow-Up Appointment

Second follow-up visit was today.  Surgeon is pleased with the healing and says it looks good.  I have to agree, the result is turning out nicely.  There’s no more fluid and I can stop wearing the binder now.  Although I say okay to that, it’s become my security even though it could be described as a torture garment of sorts.  Mainly because it causes itching, can pinch at times, continually rides up and the constant readjusting plus at times it prevents me from successfully taking a deep breath  BUT I am soothed by the “compressed” feeling when I have it on.  It’s protecting and holding the abdominal wall.  When the nurse and surgeon leave so I can put my clothes back on, I make sure the binder is back on too.   

I go back again in two months.  I’m thinking post operative pictures may be taken at this time.  We’ll see.

I went home and told myself I’ll take the binder off for a bit.  I told myself, "I got this. I’ll be home resting on the couch so it won’t be so bad."  

That didn’t happen.   

Mentally I couldn’t do it.  Although I took it off, headed from my bedroom to the living room I soon turned right back around to put it back on.  

There was a solution though.  During the appointment my surgeon said that I could get a girdle type garment if I wanted so that’s what I did.  Later in the evening, I went and purchased a few tummy tight fitting camisoles which will hopefully help wean me off my binding garment I currently feel I need.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!