Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TT - Day 34 - Post Op - A Few Photos

Tomorrow will be 5 weeks since surgery.  This morning I took a few post-op pics that I've posted below.  Please keep in mind these were taken with my cellphone so the quality isn't the best. 

 I have stretch marks from my thighs to my boobs as a result of multiple pregnancies and not being blessed with overly elastic skin and I never realized how much that kanga pouch amplified my feelings about those same stretch marks.  Since the surgery, I don't seem to be as hung up on them as I was before.  The stretch marks you see in the picture above were actually above my navel probably about 2 inches or less below my breast line and now with the replacement of the skin they are located below the navel. 

I was told before the surgery that I'd wear a bikini again.  Of course with my slightly skeptical nature I thought nahhhhh, not happening.  Ever.  I presumed I'd most likely be happy with the results of the surgery but I did NOT see myself wearing a two piece bathing suit again, not even a tankini nor one that would come in the form of a bikini.  I thought my surgeon will be good but not that good.

I may have been wrong in that thinking.  It is more likely than not that I WILL wear a two piece somewhere down the road.  I put on a swimsuit bottom over the weekend and instead of seeing the muffin top combined with the horrific bulge of skin below the waistband to match the muffin top it was a nice flat smooth stomach.  :)

The above picture is me bent at the waist.  Another reason that wearing a two piece is appealing because even in the bent position there is no skin hang, no mini-roll to be seen.  Nothing.
Me gusto.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!