Saturday, September 1, 2012

TT - Day 3 - Post Op

I got up this morning and washed my hair in the bathroom sink. Moving in a hunched over position helped this process. My back is aching somewhat due to that and probably sitting on my bum so much as I recover. I am not able to shower so I sponge bathed myself.

Today was also the day that the bandages were to be taken off and changed. I was feeling quite anxious about it. The tape was pulled (ouch) and the incision was exposed and I also saw my new navel. It's no longer an outie, but an innie. I still bear some stretch marks from having children but the flap of skin is no longer there and the stretch marks are less. The whole process I found to be quite overwhelming and began to feel light headed and feeling a bit faint.  Although I started out in the bathroom, I ended up laying on the bed to finish the gauze/dressing change.

I have yet to take any pain medication today but will probably take one tonight to help me sleep. I've not been resting well at all.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!