Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wondering About the Cost?

Isn't this one of the top things we all want to know when looking into the world of cosmetic surgery? 

Let's face it, it's expensive!

A few of the many questions I had were -
  • How much is the consultation fee?
  • How much is the surgery?
  • Will insurance cover the cost of surgery?  The cost of prescriptions?
  • Any additional hidden costs?
  • Where do I buy the abdominal binder?
  • How much are the post-operative office visits?
  • What about costs of potential additional TT surgeries?
  • Do I pay in one lump sum or can I pay it out?  If paid out, can this be done through your office or is it handled by a finance company? 

A Helpful Tip: In having so many questions and fearful I'd forget to ask something, I typed and printed a list to use during any consults I may have.  This would mean less chance that I'd forget to ask something I was wanting to know.  I found it to be a good tool and I'd suggest you type or even jot down a list of questions at be used at your consult(s) too.  In having surgical consults with more than one PS they can also be used to compare one to the other.  Not only that, when you walk away from the consult with a plethora of information whirling around in your head, you're likely to forget something.  But if you've written it down, the list will jog your memory. 

When you're just beginning the research process you're obviously going to wonder what the cost of the surgery will be. C'mon, anything that requires a cost whether it be a movie, an item of clothing, a vacation, or say a car ... You want to know how much you're going to be out beforehand by checking out prices. This is no different with a cosmetic procedure.  You want to know, "How much doc?"

My guess is, if you're just now beginning to explore the idea of a TT, you're probably spending more time searching to absorb information about what the surgery entails.  That, and you're also looking at before and after photos.  Lots of them.  

If you're getting closer to scheduling a consult, your attention has shifted to looking up costs combined with reading up on surgeons in your area, seeing what their credentials are, how long they've specialized in CS, looking specifically at their before and after pictures, reading any testimonials, researching the good/bad, and possibly talking with friends and/or acquaintances that have used the surgeon that can give you an opinion of the procedure and recovery based on their own experience.  

Now to the part this blog is all about, the costs.

I'm going to break down the total cost of my surgery from beginning to the now.  Remember, I did say my surgery so this will not be the same as any other people you may read about. Some pieces may be similar but by no means the same.

Consultation - $150
     This was a fee charged during the office visit in which I learned about the surgery, what the process included, surgery time, how long I'd be off work, how long until I could exercise again, and how long the actual recovery process lasted.  My abdominal area was measured and my surgeon pinched and pulled at the extra skin, told me it would be gone and how pleased I'd be even with a hip to hip scar replacing it.  Additionally, this consult fee would be put toward the total surgery cost and was good for up to six months following the consultation. Well, as long as there were no major changes (i.e. excessive weight gain).

Surgeon - $6350
     Most insurance companies don't cover cosmetic procedures (mine included) so this was a cash cost.  From what I've read, if you have a tummy tuck and need hernia repair, it can be billed under a specific category which means some level of coverage.  This is nothing I've taken the time to confirm so I leave it in your hands to explore it's validity or not.

Anesthesiologist - $550
     This was a separate cash cost that went directly to the anesthesiologist that worked with the surgeon. 

Check-up with my Family Physician - $15 Co-Pay
     I had to schedule a check-up with my family doctor to ensure I was okay to undergo surgery since I'm over 40.  This visit included an EKG, lab work and a Tetanus shot.

CLn BodyWash - $40
     This was a body wash to be used a couple days prior to help eliminate bacteria on the skin.   

Prescriptions - $25.25
     I had insurance so this cost may vary due to types of medicines prescribed along with different types of insurance coverage to no insurance coverage at all.

T.E.D. Hose (Compression Stockings) - $25.62

Post-Operative Items (Polysporin, Band-Aids, Peroxide, & Non-Stick Gauze) - $28.56

Men's Tanks (Package of 3) & Men's V-Neck T-shirts -  $15ish
     I purchased two styles because I wasn't sure which ones I was going to prefer.  Since I would be wearing them under my clothes I wasn't sure if the t-shirts would bunch up too much.  I never opened the t-shirts and only wore the tanks.  The material was thinner, there were no sleeves to deal with and they worked well for me. I even wear a tank here and there as a sleep shirt at night.

Binder - Included with the surgeon's cost
    If an additional binder was needed, one could be purchased from the surgeon for $65. However, one was sufficient for the length of time I had to wear it.

Additional Non-Stick Gauze - $20

White Gel-Foam Slippers - $16 
     This was a personal purchase because I knew I'd have the T.E.D. hose on for 2 weeks and wanted a comfortable slipper to wear around the house and when I had to get out.

1st Follow-Up Visit - Included with the surgeon's cost

2nd Follow-Up Visit - Included with the surgeon's cost

Subsequent Follow-Up Visits - Included as well

Tummy Tuck TOTAL = $7085 and some change

Note: In factoring the cost of the TT surgery, be sure to take into consideration if you have a job, you'll be off of work too.  That can come at a cost if you don't meet the requirements of FMLA, don't have any sick leave accumulated or vacation time.  

For me, it worked out nicely because I did qualify for FMLA through the company I work for and I was able to use sick leave for the two weeks I was off before returning back to work.  But in the event Plan A (FMLA/Sick Leave) didn't work out, I was prepared with a Plan B to use the vacation time that I had accrued as well Plan C to take time off without pay if necessary. 

Either way, surgery was gonna happen.  And it did.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!