Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Almost 9 Weeks Post-Op

I'm two days shy of being 9 weeks post-op.  I finally worked out last night doing intense cardio which involved kicks, punches, jacks, standing ab crunches and lunges. Since this particular workout focused on several areas of the body, there was no major soreness this morning. Anywhere. So that's a definite plus. I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was.

I was a little concerned before I began and wondered if I’d make it through the workout and didn’t want to push things but I did it without problem.  Not only did I feel good after getting an intense sweaty workout but dang, I felt good because I CAN workout. Yes!  Sure, walking on the treadmill is good but I like to have options.  Besides, the pole fitness workshop will be here sooner than later and I really wanted to do something besides walking.  I didn’t want to go into the workshop and realize that I was limited and come away from the class feeling like I should have waited.   

Plus, boot camp begins next week too. Now I'm not so leary about participation.  I'll just be most particular when the concentration is on my abs. 

I had made a fitness goal several months ago.  I began boot camp three times a week and working with a personal trainer twice a week.  I can see and feel the effects of taking a break from that routine since having surgery.  The loss of several weeks doesn't bother me, the goal just won't be achieved when I had hoped.  It’s not discouraging me though.  I still have January One as the date to check progress and from there, I'll continue on. 

I was able to get into a size smaller skirt this morning.  Woot! Even though you can't tell, I can. 1) I’ve lost a few pounds since surgery and 2) I think my swelling is less than before, or for today anyway.  That’s good too.   We’ll see though.  I’ve heard that it can go away only to return a month later but I’ll appreciate its absence while I can. Snapshot from this morning below.

I am really excited for the pole fitness workshop and as I was reading some stuff on the website, I came across this.  There is a lot of truth in the words.

Have a good afternoon and Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention in this blog that it is WONDERFUL to work out and not have that excess skin shaking about or bouncing around. I always loathed that and it made me extremely self-conscious when working out.

    Now, no more! :)


Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!