Tuesday, September 25, 2018

'scuse me?

I am less than a week away from my 4 month post-surgery date.  I had some free time and thought to myself, I need to get the girls sized.  I have been wearing sports bras and bralettes rather than the usual cup/band size because I have not had the time to select, try on, and purchase new brassieres.

But, let's rewind for a quick minute to the the beginning when I thought about upgrading them and discussed what I wanted.  I wanted more fullness, a full C, but nothing huge.  I think 'obnoxious' was the word I used.  During my initial consult and later at a second consult, my PS told me that I would likely go up in size to a D.  Although I wasn't crazy thrilled about the whole D concept but after thinking about it for a bit, I thought .... I can accept that.  

Now fast forward to a post-op follow-up visit, my PS said as he groped and looked at his handy work, "You're definitely a D and may even be a Double D."  

'scuse me?

So, I used some of that extra time and stopped in at Victoria's Secret and asked for a fitting.   

The sales lady helping me asked me what kind of styles I liked and what size I normally wore while she measured me and then casually said ...

"You're a triple."

I said with my eyes wider than normal, "A triple what?"

"A triple.  As in a triple D."

Luckily the shock has since worn off, I am sporting my new sexy TRIPLE bras and even though hearing and typing or seeing DDD still throws me for a loop more times than not, I still love the choice that I made and I am happy with the results.  They look natural and full, feel nice and don't look obnoxious.

I have no regrets.  Not a one.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Like Mom, Like Daughter. Yes and No.

I had mentioned in an earlier blog that my daughter also had a BA done a week after mine.


I had subglandular placement (above the muscle).
She had submuscular placement (under the muscle).

I had sutures that were removed.
She had disolvable stitches, skin glue and steri-tape.

I was instructed to massage twice daily for six months.
She has no massaging to do.

I had no bruising.
She had visible bruising.


Both of us had a sloshing sound for up to two weeks following surgery.  Something that I don't think I mentioned in any of my BA blogs.  The sloshing is normal (just weird) and occurs due to liquid being left behind when the pocket is created and liquid and air get caught in the pocket.  It usually dissipates within the first couple weeks post-op.

Both of us experienced the tingling, prickly feeling sensations in our breast for a few weeks following surgery.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Before & After

Top Photo: 3 days prior to surgery

Bottom photo: 4 weeks and 4 days post-op

They went from sad little boobies to happy jolly boobies.  😊

Saturday, July 7, 2018


Ahhhhhhhhh, I slept without my bra for the first time last night.

Thank you bra gods for releasing me!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Looking au Naturel

I am 4 weeks post-op and my right implant has finally caught up to the left.  It has relaxed and "dropped" into its pocket.  They both look natural and more tear drop shaped.

I am able to stand in the shower and allow the water to hit my chest without feeling like the water is pins and needles.  The tingling, prickly sensation has lessened a lot.  A definite plus.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Three Weeks Post-Op

Ahhh, I am feeling good!  Heller, three weeks!

Some random BA updating:

The last bit of "crusting" has fallen off my incision sites.  The right side (top photo below) "crusting" fell off several days sooner than the left (bottom photo below).

I am adjusting to my new size and knowing that I am a D doesn't phase me anymore.  Much.

I bought some inexpensive Fruit of the Loom bras to wear instead of the sports bras I was wearing that weren't quite as comfortable.

You can purchase these at Wal-mart for cheap.  These hold me better and more comfortably.  I have one week left until I can wear a more "normal" bra.

I can now workout.  My three weeks of no strenuous exercise has finally ended.

I still have the tingling, prickly sensation which can last for weeks.

I was worried about fitting into my blouses or dresses but I have to say, I fill them out better now.

My left breast seems to be settling into its pocket because it is visibly lower and looks more natural but the right one still is a little high.  It's not anything that others would notice, especially while clothed.

I massage each breast twice a day, once in the AM before work and again in the PM before going to sleep at night.

Friday, June 22, 2018


Crusting is just another way of saying scabbing in the BA world.

These are two weeks and one day post-op photos.



Thursday, June 21, 2018

Two Weeks Post-Op

One more week with no strenuous activity and then I can begin working out again, slowly.

Two more weeks to wear the supportive sports bras.  I am way ready to shop for some cute, sexy new bras.

I am still feeling the tingly, prickly sensations as I heal.  The feeling around the areola/nipple area is returning slowly but surely.  Sensation can be lost temporarily or sometimes completely following surgery.  Yay for sensation coming back!

Oh, and I can once again take my hormone pills.  Adios, hot flashes!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Tingling & Prickling

Today is Day 11 post-op and I have been experiencing a LOT of sensations in my breasts, especially on the sides and at the top.  It feels like the sensation when your arm, hand or foot goes to sleep and you get that tingling, prickly feeling when you touch it.

This sensation is due to the nerves repairing themselves following surgery.  The only thing that helps is to cross my arms and cup a boob in each hand and apply some pressure.  That doesn't make it go away but does alleviate the feeling somewhat.

Since surgery I continue to sleep on my back.  Being a side sleeper that means I am t i r e d.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The BA Bug is Contagious

My daughter is having her own BA today.  Our procedures and recovery are expected to be quite different.  I will try and blog differences in our experiences as we both recover.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 6 Post-Op - Second BA Follow-Up Appointment

My sutures were taken out today.  Due to no feeling at the incision sites, I felt no pinching or pulling.  Halleluyer.

All still looks good and while the healing is also going well, I have some "scabbing" at the incision sites (shown in the photos below). As a result, no steri-strips for me.  These are typically used to help promote minimal scarring.

Right 6.11.18
Left 6.11.18
I am to continue with the non-stick gauze to prevent the bra from sticking or rubbing the incision sites for better healing and less scarring.

I learned how to "massage" each breast and I am to do that twice a day for six months.  It's not so much a massage but rather pushing up of each implant from the outer side under the nipple.  This helps keep the pocket open so the breast feels and looks more natural.  It also helps prevent capsular contraction.

I go back to work day after tomorrow.

Next follow-up is in three weeks.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Day 2 Post-Op

My fever finally broke about 4 AM in the morning but came back again this afternoon at 99.5°.

I have a slight cough and a sore throat but in my groggy, tired, recovering state thought it was due to surgery.  I do have some drainage so I think it would be safe to say the fever is unrelated to my surgery.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Hello, Hotness

I began running a fever after returning from my appointment earlier today.


It's Friday.  The weekend is about to begin.  Time for a call to be made.

I called my PS and was instructed to monitor my temperature and take Tylenol if needed.

I was just at the office and everything looked fine.  No redness.  No oozing.  No visible infection.

It's a little after 10 PM now and my temperature is 100.9°.

24 Hours Later ....

My first post-op appointment was this morning.  The bandages you saw in my previous post came off and I was able to see my new and improved chest for the first time since before surgery. 

I must say ... I like!

The implants are sitting high which is normal.  Time is needed for them to "settle" into the pocket created for each.  They are definitely swollen and feel kind of tight right now.

The incisions look clean and no sign of redness or infection. 

My PS said I will have a D or a Double D in size.  Due to the current swelling, it is too soon to tell for sure.  I am hoping I am a D.  I can visibly see they are larger.  I wasn't really wanting to go bigger but mainly hoping for more volume after multiple pregnancies and weight gain/loss through the years.  Well, I definitely have more volume.

I was helped into a sports bra that I have to wear 24/7 for the next four weeks.  I am also instructed to wear a square of non-stick gauze placed between my incision and the bra to prevent any sticking while the incision site heals.

Follow-up appointment in a week.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

My Current Status

Surgery and recovery took about two hours from the last look at the clock in the surgery room to looking at it again when getting in the car.

I have been quite whoozy feeling probably from the anesthesia.  I will come back, edit and add more info later.

All went well.

It's NEW BOOBS day!

I will update with more information when I am able so stay tuned!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Pre-op, done!

Today I had my pre-op visit.  Ooooo, I am one step closer. 

All informed and anesthesia consent forms were signed, last minute questions were answered, post-op scripts to be filled prior to surgery, implant warranty information received and 375cc is the size of the implant with a subglandular placement.  The PS once again groped, pushed and pulled for one final time before surgery.

I was given a specific anti-bacterial body wash to use two days and the morning of surgery.  Oh, and pre-op photos were taken and of which I will receive copies prior to surgery. 

I was also given instructions of what to do and more of what not to do the morning of surgery.  For example, I have to take a specific pill an hour before surgery. I am not to wear any make-up, lotions, oil and no jewelry.  I can wear lounge pants during the surgery but need to wear or bring a button up shirt to wear following.

I will have an appointment the day following surgery to remove bandages and have the new girls wrapped up in a special sports bra.  This bra will be worn for four weeks following.  No strenuous exercise for three weeks after surgery.  Then approximately five days later, I will return to have sutures removed, be shown how to apply and change the gauze that will cover the steri-strips and be coached on how to massage each breast to prevent capsular contraction.

And although I was a little anxious at my pre-op visit, I am not as nervous as I was previously.  I am excited, ready and hoping for nothing less than optimal results.  

That about sums up my pre-op visit.  Now c'mon surgery day!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Soooooooo ....


I had my updated consult.  Yay!

Nothing has changed.  Yay, yay!

All the information from my prior consult a few years ago still stands.  They will be placed on top of the muscle (subglandular placement).  My PS did state that if he goes in and sees they would look nicer under the muscle (submuscular) he will go that route but I have plenty of breast tissue to cover the implant.  There shouldn't be any issues with rippling as a result. The procedure will take a couple of hours.  My PS gave me both a 350cc and a 400cc implant and pressed it against my boob to see which one I preferred.  I keep leaning in the 350cc direction but he did add that I needed to get my money's worth, lol.  The 400cc would be a double D cup and the 350cc would be a D cup.  He said I am a full C as of now.  I will have the volume I am hoping for and am excited to see the updated girls.
Surgery was tentatively scheduled when I left and ....

Paid in full!  Yes oh yes oh yes!

This AM:

I went to my PCP this morning for my preoperative medical exam.  Basically because I am over 40 and have a history of HBP, they want to exercise precaution and ensure that all is good to go with the elective surgery.  My EKG was excellent.  Lungs are good.  No illnesses.  My blood pressure was a wee bit elevated but more than likely due to "white coat syndrome". Blood labs were taken and as long as the results are within normal limits, I am good to go!  If I don't hear from my PCP tomorrow, I will call on Monday to confirm my blood labs are within normal ranges.

*blows on the dice and rolls* Momma needs a new pair of boobs!

I called the PS office upon leaving my PCP and relayed how the preoperative medical exam went.  I confirmed the surgery date which is sooner than I thought due to someone else having a scheduling conflict.  I have scheduled my pre-op visit for my boob surgery and am ready to do this!

Annnnd, although my PS didn't suggest this, I have a mammogram scheduled for mid-week next week just so there is an immediate baseline prior to the BA.  Plus, as I mentioned in the previous blog (I think), I don't have to worry about new chi-chis being smashed shortly after the BA.  This way I have a whole year to heal before the procedure is needed again.

That's all for now!

Friday, April 27, 2018

One BA, Coming Up!

Wow.  It's been over 3 years since I was here mulling over the idea of a BA.

I am excited and nervous about this procedure.  I have scheduled an updated consult.  I have scheduled an appointment with my PCP to complete an overall physical, do blood work, an EKG and report all is well to proceed with the elective surgery.  I have informed my supervisor of known dates and appointments.  Time off is approved and working from home is approved too if needed.

Oh and I have scheduled a mammogram prior as it will be close to when my annual rolls around.  Plus, I am fairly confident I will not be enthused by the idea of having a post-surgical boob or two pressed between a couple of cold, hard x-ray plates.  Yeah, I'll pass.  This will give me a year to recoup and heal from surgery before a mammo is needed again.

I will post notes, progress and pictures here.  This blog will serve a dual purpose, 1) a way to make note of the pre-surgery tasks and 2) to journal the post-op recovery not only for myself but for others searching for information regarding the same procedure.

Eeeeeeeek, can you say excited?!