Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 6 Post-Op - Second BA Follow-Up Appointment

My sutures were taken out today.  Due to no feeling at the incision sites, I felt no pinching or pulling.  Halleluyer.

All still looks good and while the healing is also going well, I have some "scabbing" at the incision sites (shown in the photos below). As a result, no steri-strips for me.  These are typically used to help promote minimal scarring.

Right 6.11.18
Left 6.11.18
I am to continue with the non-stick gauze to prevent the bra from sticking or rubbing the incision sites for better healing and less scarring.

I learned how to "massage" each breast and I am to do that twice a day for six months.  It's not so much a massage but rather pushing up of each implant from the outer side under the nipple.  This helps keep the pocket open so the breast feels and looks more natural.  It also helps prevent capsular contraction.

I go back to work day after tomorrow.

Next follow-up is in three weeks.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!