Friday, June 8, 2018

24 Hours Later ....

My first post-op appointment was this morning.  The bandages you saw in my previous post came off and I was able to see my new and improved chest for the first time since before surgery. 

I must say ... I like!

The implants are sitting high which is normal.  Time is needed for them to "settle" into the pocket created for each.  They are definitely swollen and feel kind of tight right now.

The incisions look clean and no sign of redness or infection. 

My PS said I will have a D or a Double D in size.  Due to the current swelling, it is too soon to tell for sure.  I am hoping I am a D.  I can visibly see they are larger.  I wasn't really wanting to go bigger but mainly hoping for more volume after multiple pregnancies and weight gain/loss through the years.  Well, I definitely have more volume.

I was helped into a sports bra that I have to wear 24/7 for the next four weeks.  I am also instructed to wear a square of non-stick gauze placed between my incision and the bra to prevent any sticking while the incision site heals.

Follow-up appointment in a week.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!