I had mentioned in an earlier blog that my daughter also had a BA done a week after mine.
I had subglandular placement (above the muscle).
She had submuscular placement (under the muscle).
I had sutures that were removed.
She had disolvable stitches, skin glue and steri-tape.
I was instructed to massage twice daily for six months.
She has no massaging to do.
I had no bruising.
She had visible bruising.
I had no bruising.
She had visible bruising.
Both of us had a sloshing sound for up to two weeks following surgery. Something that I don't think I mentioned in any of my BA blogs. The sloshing is normal (just weird) and occurs due to liquid being left behind when the pocket is created and liquid and air get caught in the pocket. It usually dissipates within the first couple weeks post-op.
Both of us experienced the tingling, prickly feeling sensations in our breast for a few weeks following surgery.
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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!