Ahhh, I am feeling good! Heller, three weeks!
Some random BA updating:
The last bit of "crusting" has fallen off my incision sites. The right side (top photo below) "crusting" fell off several days sooner than the left (bottom photo below).
I am adjusting to my new size and knowing that I am a D doesn't phase me anymore. Much.
I bought some inexpensive Fruit of the Loom bras to wear instead of the sports bras I was wearing that weren't quite as comfortable.
You can purchase these at Wal-mart for cheap. These hold me better and more comfortably. I have one week left until I can wear a more "normal" bra.
I can now workout. My three weeks of no strenuous exercise has finally ended.
I still have the tingling, prickly sensation which can last for weeks.
I was worried about fitting into my blouses or dresses but I have to say, I fill them out better now.
My left breast seems to be settling into its pocket because it is visibly lower and looks more natural but the right one still is a little high. It's not anything that others would notice, especially while clothed.
I massage each breast twice a day, once in the AM before work and again in the PM before going to sleep at night.