Friday, August 17, 2012

Pre-Op Appointment

The pre-op is now too behind me and wow, I came away with a lot of useful information regarding the surgery and recovery.  I dropped off my prescriptions that include nausea medicine, pain medicine, Valium, antibiotics plus compression hose to wear following the surgery to aid in the prevention of blood clots.  I've also picked up non-stick gauze, polysporin ointment, hydrogen peroxide and band-aids.  Also on that list is men's cotton undershirts to wear under the binder as it supports the area as it heals. Oh, and Q-tips which I have.  I was shown how the drain would work that I'd be wearing for a week.  Informed not to take certain pain relief medicine and to stop taking one of my regular daily medicines.  Let's not forget the appointment I had to schedule on the drive home with my own family physician to get lab work and an EKG to confirm that I'm good to go for surgery.  I have to have someone sit with me the first couple days because I'll be limited in what I can do.  Hopefully being limiting in what I can do will not be an issue in the healing process.  Typically, for me, if something needs to be done then by golly, I gotta do it.

I was dreading the pre-op due to having to expose the eyesore to the surgeon as well as the groping, pulling and grabbing I had to endure but I have to admit, it wasn't as bad as the consult.  The assistant remembered me from a year ago as she said "I remember you. You are probably the most modest patient I've seen.  I remember your face and chest turning so red."  Yep, that was my anxiety manifesting last visit.  But I have to say there was no turning red this time even though I was nervous during the appointment.  I probably wouldn't have been able to say that had they taken the pre-op pictures which will expose just about everything.  Not that I will get out of those but at least they'll be taken the morning of surgery.  She said I'll feel "humiliated" due to my extreme modesty.  That makes me feel so much better, lol.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!