Friday, June 7, 2019

Happy Boobiversary!

Whoa, one year already?

Yep, and no regrets so far.

A few things to note:

Although I am a side sleeper, I have noticed that I wake up most nights laying on my back only to rotate back to my side.  I am not sure why but I do.

Since I have had the BA, I have laid on my stomach maybe twice.

There are still some areas of each breast that have no sensation.  Those areas are on the lower outer side of each breast and the area between the areola and the scar in the breast fold.

My breasts have a natural tear drop look to them not the round (more fake-ish) look.  They feel natural, meaning they don't feel fake, most of the time especially if I am seated or laying on my side or standing.  However, you can feel the implant much more easily when I am laying on my back otherwise, each is a nice soft natural feeling breast.

I still "massage" each breast to keep the pocket open and prevent capsular contraction but instead of twice it is only once a day, usually when I shower in the morning.

It being swimsuit season, I have noticed that it is a little more of a challenge to find a top that offers support, doesn't look huge yet cute all in the same item.  Once I find a top I like, I am getting it in every color.

I do have a mammogram coming up.  I am no stranger to them but this will be the first with the upgrade.  I will cross my fingers that it will go smoothly and with as little discomfort as possible.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

'scuse me?

I am less than a week away from my 4 month post-surgery date.  I had some free time and thought to myself, I need to get the girls sized.  I have been wearing sports bras and bralettes rather than the usual cup/band size because I have not had the time to select, try on, and purchase new brassieres.

But, let's rewind for a quick minute to the the beginning when I thought about upgrading them and discussed what I wanted.  I wanted more fullness, a full C, but nothing huge.  I think 'obnoxious' was the word I used.  During my initial consult and later at a second consult, my PS told me that I would likely go up in size to a D.  Although I wasn't crazy thrilled about the whole D concept but after thinking about it for a bit, I thought .... I can accept that.  

Now fast forward to a post-op follow-up visit, my PS said as he groped and looked at his handy work, "You're definitely a D and may even be a Double D."  

'scuse me?

So, I used some of that extra time and stopped in at Victoria's Secret and asked for a fitting.   

The sales lady helping me asked me what kind of styles I liked and what size I normally wore while she measured me and then casually said ...

"You're a triple."

I said with my eyes wider than normal, "A triple what?"

"A triple.  As in a triple D."

Luckily the shock has since worn off, I am sporting my new sexy TRIPLE bras and even though hearing and typing or seeing DDD still throws me for a loop more times than not, I still love the choice that I made and I am happy with the results.  They look natural and full, feel nice and don't look obnoxious.

I have no regrets.  Not a one.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Like Mom, Like Daughter. Yes and No.

I had mentioned in an earlier blog that my daughter also had a BA done a week after mine.


I had subglandular placement (above the muscle).
She had submuscular placement (under the muscle).

I had sutures that were removed.
She had disolvable stitches, skin glue and steri-tape.

I was instructed to massage twice daily for six months.
She has no massaging to do.

I had no bruising.
She had visible bruising.


Both of us had a sloshing sound for up to two weeks following surgery.  Something that I don't think I mentioned in any of my BA blogs.  The sloshing is normal (just weird) and occurs due to liquid being left behind when the pocket is created and liquid and air get caught in the pocket.  It usually dissipates within the first couple weeks post-op.

Both of us experienced the tingling, prickly feeling sensations in our breast for a few weeks following surgery.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Before & After

Top Photo: 3 days prior to surgery

Bottom photo: 4 weeks and 4 days post-op

They went from sad little boobies to happy jolly boobies.  😊

Saturday, July 7, 2018


Ahhhhhhhhh, I slept without my bra for the first time last night.

Thank you bra gods for releasing me!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Looking au Naturel

I am 4 weeks post-op and my right implant has finally caught up to the left.  It has relaxed and "dropped" into its pocket.  They both look natural and more tear drop shaped.

I am able to stand in the shower and allow the water to hit my chest without feeling like the water is pins and needles.  The tingling, prickly sensation has lessened a lot.  A definite plus.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Three Weeks Post-Op

Ahhh, I am feeling good!  Heller, three weeks!

Some random BA updating:

The last bit of "crusting" has fallen off my incision sites.  The right side (top photo below) "crusting" fell off several days sooner than the left (bottom photo below).

I am adjusting to my new size and knowing that I am a D doesn't phase me anymore.  Much.

I bought some inexpensive Fruit of the Loom bras to wear instead of the sports bras I was wearing that weren't quite as comfortable.

You can purchase these at Wal-mart for cheap.  These hold me better and more comfortably.  I have one week left until I can wear a more "normal" bra.

I can now workout.  My three weeks of no strenuous exercise has finally ended.

I still have the tingling, prickly sensation which can last for weeks.

I was worried about fitting into my blouses or dresses but I have to say, I fill them out better now.

My left breast seems to be settling into its pocket because it is visibly lower and looks more natural but the right one still is a little high.  It's not anything that others would notice, especially while clothed.

I massage each breast twice a day, once in the AM before work and again in the PM before going to sleep at night.