Friday, June 7, 2019

Happy Boobiversary!

Whoa, one year already?

Yep, and no regrets so far.

A few things to note:

Although I am a side sleeper, I have noticed that I wake up most nights laying on my back only to rotate back to my side.  I am not sure why but I do.

Since I have had the BA, I have laid on my stomach maybe twice.

There are still some areas of each breast that have no sensation.  Those areas are on the lower outer side of each breast and the area between the areola and the scar in the breast fold.

My breasts have a natural tear drop look to them not the round (more fake-ish) look.  They feel natural, meaning they don't feel fake, most of the time especially if I am seated or laying on my side or standing.  However, you can feel the implant much more easily when I am laying on my back otherwise, each is a nice soft natural feeling breast.

I still "massage" each breast to keep the pocket open and prevent capsular contraction but instead of twice it is only once a day, usually when I shower in the morning.

It being swimsuit season, I have noticed that it is a little more of a challenge to find a top that offers support, doesn't look huge yet cute all in the same item.  Once I find a top I like, I am getting it in every color.

I do have a mammogram coming up.  I am no stranger to them but this will be the first with the upgrade.  I will cross my fingers that it will go smoothly and with as little discomfort as possible.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!