Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Two Years Post TT & Weight Loss

This past Saturday marked two years since my TT.  Woohoo! It is still one of the BEST things I've ever done for myself.  No regrets, not a one!  It still amazes me how I can look at that area now and no disgust is felt.  Despite the lengthy hip to hip scar and the stretch marks that still remain, I can look at it and be happy with it.  There is no excess skin hanging around.  I feel good in my clothes.  I feel so much better about me. Period.

I'm going to rewind for a second or two. I looked at my last blog from 5 months ago, I realized I composed it about a week and a half before I decided to commit to losing some of the dreaded weight that I had gained. Which meant eating less, eating healthier and incorporating exercise regularly into the mix, too.  I can say as I type this blog that I have successfully lost 34 lbs.  Yay!  I've lost several inches, down several sizes in my clothes, actually the smallest I've been since high school and not too far from being that size again.  It began as a goal to lose 10 lbs, twice (20 lbs.) but has continued way beyond that.  I also run several times a week and am excited to be running my first 5K this weekend.  Woot woot! 

Even though the above paragraph is more about my weight loss goal and achievement, it ties into the Surgically Revised blog.  Primarily because when I lose 4 more pounds, I'm going to call my PS and schedule a consult.  Yes, a consult.  Although it wouldn't be done anytime soon, I'm leaning towards having breast augmentation and would like to know more about the procedure, recovery time, time off work, what costs it will entail, etc. The whole breast augmentation isn't a new thought but I will have to say since the weight loss, my boobs seem well, a bit deflated.  Probably because they are, and after several pregnancies, weight yo-yoing, age combined with gravity, they could use a little pick me up.  Plus, I've been reading up on liposuction and body sculpting, maybe I can get a two-fer kind of consult and learn a little about that particular procedure as well.

If, or when rather, I have other procedures done or as I learn about them, I will continue to keep this blog current with my thoughts, feelings, questions (some with answers, others without) and my firsthand experiences.  

Have an awesome day!

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!