Monday, November 24, 2014

To Enhance or Not Enhance?

It's been more than a few days, not even close to a few months and no where near a year but I have decided to move forward with the BA.

I'm gonna do it!

Although I'm undecided on when, I do know that I certainly will.

AND I'm still mulling over that whole D vs. DD option ....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The BA Consultation

I survived the consultation.  Whew, it's done.  I was fine for the most part but the closer it got the more worked up and anxious I became.  I was extremely nervous, breaking out in a slight rash on my chest and perspiring while the pinching, tugging and pressing was going on.  The pretty black robe didn't help much by not being a breathable fabric.  But it wasn't as taxing as my TT consultation. So, that's a definite plus!

In regards to the process of recovery and preparing for recovery, a lot of things will be the same including a medical exam prior stating I'm healthy to do surgery (due to my age) from my family physician.  A pre-op day would be scheduled, that's when all the after care instructions will be discussed and post op meds would be prescribed and filled prior to the surgery.

I was informed that I didn't need a breast lift which was a huge thing to hear.  In reading and researching about BA, I was concerned that due to my age and the effects of several pregnancies that a lift may be part of the BA procedure.  I think that hearing that a lift would be necessary may have been a deal breaker in regards to the procedure.  More so, for me, because of the scarring that would follow.  I am dark complected and therefore my scars are darker.  Often with a lift, the areolas are lifted (which  means a scar all the way around) and there is also a scar going from the areola down to the fold of the breast.  I would be concerned about loss of sensation, temporary and more importantly permanently, second to the scarring. Fortunately, my PS stated I don't need one because even though I've lost some of the fullness of the breast toward the top, my nipples still point out and not down.  Woooofrknhoo!

The incision for the implant would be in the breast fold and it would be approximately 4 cm in length on each breast.

My PS asked if I wanted to be a D or a double D which totally caught me off guard.  In my mind, I'm thinking that I would still be the cup size I am with a more full cup.  I never even considered going or being larger.  It makes sense though.  I'm a C cup now so why did I not entertain the idea of being a D?

I was somewhat apprehensive about the saline vs. silicone implant debate prior to my consultation.   I've heard the dreaded silicone leaking implant stories with the hardening and making people ill and also picked up along the way that saline is the "safe" way to go.  However, in speaking with the PS he filled me on on some history regarding the implants and safety which put me at ease for the most part regarding the type of implant to be used.  For me, it was suggested I go with a silicone implant.  Which before the discussion and setting aside my apprehension about the types of implants had me a little concerned to say the least.

My PS handed me two implants, saline and silicone, so I could feel them and the silicone, in my opinion, did feel more natural.  My PS placed a silicone implant on one breast and then a slightly larger implant on the other breast and pressed.  The slightly larger one was a little too large for me.  My goal is natural looking, natural feeling, increase the fullness (but not in an obnoxious way) and be as close to the real thing as possible without compromising the size too much.

I also had heard, read or somehow came to hear prior to the consultation that the implants should be replaced after a 10 year period.  During the consultation, I learned that the implants are warrantied for 10 years but can last a lifetime.  He even posted a video of the resilience of the silicone breast implant today in this experiment my PS videoed, below:

Modern and Safe - A Closer Look at Today's Silicone Implants

In discussing returning to work following the procedure, I was told since I have a desk job that I could return after a few days as long as no heavy lifting was involved.  Since having a TT and being told that I could return to work in a couple weeks (which I did) and probably should have taken an extra week off, I will most likely take at least a week off to recoup.  Maybe two.

I asked about the chances of rippling.  My PS went on to show me the saline and silicone implants and held them in a manner to show the rippling that can occur in the implant, more specifically the saline implant.  My PS went on to explain that rippling is due to the implant but also the thickness of the skin is factored in as well which better determines placement (under the muscle or above the muscle) of the implant and better prevention of rippling occurring.  For me, the chances of rippling should be slight if at all 1) due to the suggestion of silicone implants and 2) my skin is thicker and would hold/hide the implant better.

Speaking of placement of the implant (above or below the muscle), I was told that the implant would work well above the muscle.  I have thicker skin but also my PS said that due to having larger pectoral muscles that if it were placed under the muscle, it would cause the area there to be more full and I'm wanting the fullness to be a little lower and appear more natural.  Plus, I think the discomfort level is slightly higher when recovering due to the under muscle placement of the implant.

I inquired about future mammograms and learned that the technician would need to be aware so they could take some extra shots due to the implants for better screening.  

Although a lot of my questions were answered, there were a few that I did forget to ask.  But that's okay, I'll make note of them and call back later and inquire to receive the answers.

I am gonna sit on this for a little bit, maybe a few days, maybe a few months, maybe a year. I'll digest the information a little more and then decide if I am positively going to move forward with this cosmetic procedure.  Which, as of now, is most likely a yes.

Oh, and I received a cost of the surgery, too.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

So, I lost 4 more pounds since I last posted and I have called and scheduled a consult, which is this afternoon.  I have a list of questions to ask regarding the procedure.  Some things regarding surgery and recovery will be the same but I'm sure it will be covered in the consult as well. 

This potential surgery will be different from the TT.  The TT I had because it was an embarrassing part of my physique.  Maybe I should have in some way been proud of it.  I had several children which resulted in weaker stomach muscles but I just despised that area as a whole.  There was no way to look at it positively.  The only positive thing I saw about it was that I could cover it so no one could see.  The BA isn't a surgery I'm jumping into lightly.  I am not exploring it because I hate how my breasts look.  I'm not getting it so I can wear skimpy clothes and show my boobs off.  I'm not wanting to enlarge to an obnoxious size.  I'm mainly exploring the procedure for several reasons.  One, I was pregnant several times, we all know what that does to a woman's boobage.  Two, I've gained and lost and gained and lost which also factors into the equation.  Plus, I'm getting older and gravity is slowly wanting to show me it's power. 

Some questions I have are:
The cost, cost, COST! Isn't that usually the first thing you want to know?
Incision site preferred and why?  Which would the PS recommend for me?
Scarring?  Yes, I know it will but dependent upon the incision sites, I'd like to know does less visible scarring occur in one area over another.
Which placement does the PS prefer and the benefits of both?
Will implants provide some lift?
Is a lift needed?
Will the BA emphasize stretch marks?
Will they make my breasts look "veiny"?
Which type of implant would the PS recommend, saline or silicone? And why?
Will they feel natural?
Do they need to be replaced after a certain amount of time?  How long do they last?
Depending on incision site, what's the percentage of loss of sensation  in breasts/nipples? Is this typically permanent?
What is a device card and do I get one after surgery?
Can you scuba or sky dive with implants?
Do they lose their shape or sag over time?
How long off of work?
How long until I can exercise again?
What are the chances of rippling to occur?  Are there specific factors that typically cause rippling?

And the list goes on.

I'll let you know how the consult goes and if I think it's something I'll move forward with or not.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Two Years Post TT & Weight Loss

This past Saturday marked two years since my TT.  Woohoo! It is still one of the BEST things I've ever done for myself.  No regrets, not a one!  It still amazes me how I can look at that area now and no disgust is felt.  Despite the lengthy hip to hip scar and the stretch marks that still remain, I can look at it and be happy with it.  There is no excess skin hanging around.  I feel good in my clothes.  I feel so much better about me. Period.

I'm going to rewind for a second or two. I looked at my last blog from 5 months ago, I realized I composed it about a week and a half before I decided to commit to losing some of the dreaded weight that I had gained. Which meant eating less, eating healthier and incorporating exercise regularly into the mix, too.  I can say as I type this blog that I have successfully lost 34 lbs.  Yay!  I've lost several inches, down several sizes in my clothes, actually the smallest I've been since high school and not too far from being that size again.  It began as a goal to lose 10 lbs, twice (20 lbs.) but has continued way beyond that.  I also run several times a week and am excited to be running my first 5K this weekend.  Woot woot! 

Even though the above paragraph is more about my weight loss goal and achievement, it ties into the Surgically Revised blog.  Primarily because when I lose 4 more pounds, I'm going to call my PS and schedule a consult.  Yes, a consult.  Although it wouldn't be done anytime soon, I'm leaning towards having breast augmentation and would like to know more about the procedure, recovery time, time off work, what costs it will entail, etc. The whole breast augmentation isn't a new thought but I will have to say since the weight loss, my boobs seem well, a bit deflated.  Probably because they are, and after several pregnancies, weight yo-yoing, age combined with gravity, they could use a little pick me up.  Plus, I've been reading up on liposuction and body sculpting, maybe I can get a two-fer kind of consult and learn a little about that particular procedure as well.

If, or when rather, I have other procedures done or as I learn about them, I will continue to keep this blog current with my thoughts, feelings, questions (some with answers, others without) and my firsthand experiences.  

Have an awesome day!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Weight Gain After a Tummy Tuck

First of all, weight gain, blech. Enough said.

I'm slightly less than five months shy from my 2 year anniversary.  It's still one of the best things I've ever done.  Pain, recovery, swell hell, and now weight gain and through it all I have no regrets about the decision to snip snip here to there.

BUT since I have had a tummy tuck and gained about 20 lbs in the past year (thanks stress and emotional eating), I'd thought I'd share how it has affected my surgery.

It hasn't.  Not really.  

Although I've gained weight, for me, I've put it on in the usual places ... the butt, hips, thighs and upper arms.  My stomach hasn't changed a whole lot.  It's not as flat as it was but nothing that looks displeasing to me or bothersome.  Also, from what I can see and feel, it hasn't done any damage to the repair my PS did.

I do know something that entered my mind a week or so ago in regards to the extra pounds. I wondered if I may have lengthened or added some stretch marks from the weight gain.  Especially since the skin has been pulled taut.  So, I got out a picture following surgery and compared it to my zebra stripes and .... no new ones, they're all still the same.  So, that's a definite plus.  

I don't even know why that thought entered my mind but once it did, I remembered watching a video of a post TT of another person and she was average build and weight in relation to her height and I remember she talked about getting stretch marks after her TT.  Not the case with me.  Thank goodness.