Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Post TT Photos as Promised

#1 was from last week at 21 weeks post op.  
As you can see, the scarring is visible around the navel area.   But I'm okay with that.  
The scar, either one of them, will never compare to the disposed gargantuan eyesore.

#2 is from last night before I headed to my boot camp class. 
As I mentioned in the previous blog, yoga pants are now the bomb.

#3 is a side shot from this morning before dressing for work.
My abdomen is very slightly concave versus a whole lot of pooching out.  
I'm hoping through workouts that eventually my abs will have definition of some kind. You know, a 2-pack, 4-pack, I'll take whatever. 

We shall see ....

My surgeon really did an awesome job and I am so very pleased with the results.

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Good luck with your surgery and/or recovery!