It has now been one year since I had my tummy tuck. One. Whole. Year.
It's crazy that so much time has already passed and how at the beginning of all of this, one year post op seemed so far away.
I believe in my last post, I was still experiencing numbness around my belly button area. In the past few months, I have been noticing that I have more feeling in the area beside and just a tad bit in the area below the navel and above the scar. It's more of a tingling sensation when touched rather than complete feeling but it's still something, which is a start. It may be as much of the sensation that I'll ever have but I knew going into the surgery that loss of feeling in the abdomen could happen and the possibility of it returning could be slim to none.
I don't suffer from swell hell anymore, or not that I notice anyway.
I can do ab exercises, sit ups and crunches. Of course I have more definition in my abdominal area now than before. If I worked out my abs on a regular basis and ate healthier, I have no doubt definition would improve.
I have a scar that runs from hip to hip. I don't cringe or feel disgust when I see it in the mirror. Heck, I rarely even pay attention to it. It doesn't prevent me from being naked. It doesn't make me want to hide it and never expose it to anyone. It doesn't make me feel how that excess skin made me feel. Even the stretch marks I have from my child bearing years seem less significant than they did before surgery. I wear two piece swimsuits and although I'm still self-conscious about myself (which is just me being me) I don't run to cover myself once I get out of a pool. Before, if I were to swim in a pool, I always thought my escape plan through ahead of time. Put the towel on a chair as close to the edge of the pool as possible so as to take the least amount of steps possible to wrap it around myself quickly and that was in a swimsuit that disguised the area as much as any possibly could. It almost seems weird how I feel about it now, still, to do a complete turnaround about how I view that area.
Would I do it all again despite the long healing process beginning with pain and discomfort? Heck yeah, I would. No regrets, not a one.